Many companies use Digital Transaction Management (DTM) programmes for collaboration with employees and business partners. These are cloud-based applications for document-related transactions. This is not only pure document management but also verification management, document sharing, secure archiving, authentication and the digital signing of contracts.
Especially in the digital age DTMs are innovative solutions which let you conclude legal business fast and securely.
We support DTMs in the processing of contracts. These are often time-sensitive and also have security requirements. As such, it is always important that an appropriate solution is used. Through the focus on contracts we refer to Digital Contract Management.
If you have a contract partner who intends to sign a contract using your Digital Transaction Management System (DTM) for the first time, they have to be identified to do so. They log on to your system and open the document to be signed. If you have integrated IDnow eSign, they are automatically forwarded to our video identification. This concludes after a few minutes and your contract partner is given the possibility to register with their name and password. If they do so, the next time they log on they do not have to be identified again.
Following the identification, your contract partner can sign the document. This takes place as part of the same process by entering a TAN. At this point, there is an option to use both an advanced (AES) and a qualified electronic signature (QES) – depending on how strict the required security level is.
The contract is thereby concluded and is returned to the contract partner.
At the moment it is more important than ever to manage contracts digitally.
Download our Quick Guide toElectronic Signatures

DocuSign and IDnow have a longstanding and trusted partnership. As the first agreement cloud technology vendor and a qualified trust service provider in Europe, DocuSign integrates with IDnow’s identity verification solutions to enable organizations to adopt legally valid electronic signing across Europe. Together, we’ve collaborated with regulators to provide new and accessible ways to sign digitally at the highest security level and comply with eIDAS qualified electronic signature requirements. We particularly appreciate IDnow’s emphasis on outstanding technology as well as their effort to fulfil the security standards.
Thibault De Valroger | Sr Director Business Development | DocuSign

Use Cases.
There are many contracts which require a manual signature. Within the context of Digital Transaction Management, the option exists of having these digitally signed in order to enable the complete digital process right up until the end. IDnow eSign is the solution of choice.
Employment Contracts.
Personnel leasing, recruitment and temporary employment agencies, where lots of contracts are signed on a daily basis, often have a Digital Transformation Management System. This manages the employment contracts between them and their employers.
With IDnow eSign they can be signed digitally and legally securely. To this end, the employment agents and companies send the contract to be signed to the employers. There are usually many people on both sides who have to sign the contracts.
Each of the signatories on the employer’s side receives a message that the corresponding contract is ready to be signed. Before the contract is signed, each individual has to be identified. If they have to sign contracts for this company frequently they can register in the system using IDnow, to ensure that the video identification process does not have to be repeated the next time. Following the video identification, the electronic signature takes place by entering the TAN.
Product Selection.
- Business partner receives an email with the contract to be signed.
- The IDnow process starts automatically for the electronic signature.
Expert Identification.
- The identity expert identifies the business partner using the IDnow software during a process in accordance with regulations.
- This is followed by the business partner signing the contract electronically.
ID Transmission.
- The contract is concluded.
- You are informed by email immediately that the contract has been signed.