Looking after a fleet of vehicles is already a big undertaking and that’s not even including the drivers. With automated driver’s license checks, fleet management drivers can head out on the highway without any unexpected adventures.
Taking care of an entire fleet of vehicles is no easy task as there are many important aspects to the job. So when it comes to fleet management, anything that makes processes smoother, safer and helps the company improve its safety and liability is worth investing in. Such an investment can be achieved through driver’s license checks with all employees within the fleet.
Responsibility as Fleet Manager.
As an employer of thousands of vehicles and drivers, responsibilities can pile up quickly. However, one of the main responsibilities as fleet manager includes taking the proper care to ensure that all employees, including professional drivers, company drivers, pool car users, etc. are appropriately licensed and insured to drive. This is especially the case considering that employers have a duty of care when it comes to their drivers to make sure they are operating in a safe and healthy way.
By conducting driver’s license checks for all employees within the fleet, in order to verify the validity of their licenses, both the company, the driver and the manager are covered in the case of an accident. This is especially important considering that Fleet World reports that road accidents are the biggest cause of accidental death in the workplace, and around 73,000 business drivers are injured each year in accidents. Thus, along with the moral and legal obligations to look after employees, it makes economic sense for firms to protect the wellbeing of staff.
But driver license checks don’t stop the moment the driver has been recruited. It is also crucial to do at least six-month checks in order to make sure the driver has not accrued any points on their license as well as other possible accumulations that could negatively impact everyone in the company such as specific mileage, accidents and endorsements. According to a survey conducted by RAC Insurance in the UK, almost a fifth of drivers (18%) would not inform their insurer if they picked up penalty points.
Additionally, when conducting the first driver’s license check upon recruitment, employers should be aware of the date of birth so underage driving can be prevented and fake licenses can be detected.
Driver’s license checking is one of the top responsibilities as a fleet manager, if not the most important. Keep your fleet safe by checking every driver’s license before the driver hops into the seat of the company’s vehicles.
Why driver’s license checking matters.
The importance of driver’s license checking cannot be stressed enough within fleet management. With common EU laws, such as the Road Traffic Act § 21 StVG in Germany, stipulating the employer’s obligation to ensure that its employees have a valid driver’s license, safety becomes paramount for those owning the vehicles as well those driving them.
As such, employers have a legal obligation to perform regular driver’s licence checks for all employees driving within the fleet, no matter the type of vehicle.
According to the Automobile Association (AA) in the UK, one in 650 fleet drivers are driving while disqualified and one in 300 have a revoked or expiring driver’s license. Since it can be a criminal offense for a person to be driving without a valid license, this puts both the driver and employer at risk.
Furthermore, when driver’s license checks are not performed, employers can be liable for drivers within their fleet that do not possess a valid driver’s license. This also includes temporary revoked licenses, foreign driver’s licenses that have not yet been reissued, as well as the owner who is aware of the driver’s lack of valid license. If caught, both the employer and driver face the risk of a restriction or loss of insurance coverage.
Management can also be held liable if driver’s license checks are not performed on a safe system. The system should be able to detect all crucial information since one in 16 drivers have issues with their photocard. Thus, it is imperative to use a driver’s license verification system that is reliable, safe and compliant.

Benefits of automated driver’s license checks in the fleet.
Although implementing an automated driver’s license check can sound burdensome and intimidating, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.
When comparing an automated driver’s license check to a manual or electronic system with reading station, an automated system saves time and money while also being more flexible. With a fully automated driver’s license check, the driver himself can perform the driver’s license check anytime and anywhere with a mobile application. In the end, this reduces the workload of the fleet manager while still getting immediate access to verified data so deadlines can still be met without losing any time.
Furthermore, by implementing such a system, it reduces the risks of potential fraud as well as misinterpretation of information. When an automated driver’s license check is performed, safety data is extracted and the authenticity of the license is verified by matching the security and personal information with the relevant government database.
In the end, fleet operations can feel confident in their drivers as well as avoid any unnecessary fines.
Implementing a robust driver’s license check solution.
Making sure your fleet has a robust driver’s license solution set up should be a main priority in order to protect the company and the drivers. IDnow is here to assist in implementing such a solution.
As an important safety concern, IDnow can help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your fleet through its automated solution called AutoIdent. It is easily installed on a mobile device and can be used by all drivers of a fleet.
AutoIdent can be integrated into an existing fleet solution as a web and mobile solution using the SDK as a white-label solution or as a native app from IDnow. Intuitive and robust, it reliably detects incorrect entries and quickly guides the user to successful completion of the driver’s license check.
Data extraction of the driver’s license can be conducted either through hologram verification or NFC verification technology. Additionally, verification is possible with RFID if the driver has an ID document with an RFID chip as well as an NFC-enabled smartphone. The IDnow app will recognize the chip and perform the necessary checks.
Add-ons such as a QES for additional security and regulatory compliance can be included. Plus, IDnow’s solutions are GDPR-compliant, but each company must take into account data protection requirements before introducing a new system.
Once a driver’s license check solution has been implemented into your fleet, the investment will pay off in the end. Make it part of the routine in order to keep the company, the drivers and everyone on the road safer.

Kristen Walter
Junior Content Marketing Manager
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