PIXID and ARIADNEXT partner to strengthen the digital trust in the recruiter / candidate relationship

The candidate onboarding process of PIXID’s Recruitment management solution now implements ARIADNEXT’s remote ID verification solution.

PIXID, the leading player in recruitment and temporary work management, and ARIADNEXT, european provider of ID verification solutions, have joined forces to simplify the remote verification of candidates’ identity and official documents by HR teams.

« Know Your Candidate » (KYC), a raising trend in the recruitment market

The KYC process – which stands for Know Your Customer – was set up in the financial, banking and online gambling sectors a few years ago, following European regulatory requirements. It consists of checking the identity of the individual when beginning a relationship, whether it be commercial or contractual. Nowadays, this process, which is used to fight against fraud, has become more and more integrated and even regulated in other specific sectors. The rampant digital transformation and the need to protect against its inherent risks has emphasized the use of KYC. Thus, remote identification has become an essential requirement for entering into a digital relationship.

Human resources are no exception: The process is called Know Your Candidates/Employee (KYC/E). Recruiters must ensure the candidates’ identities and so avoid fraud or identity theft, all the more so in a context of widespread remote working, potential remote recruitment, therefore, remote identity checks.

This process is above all a regulatory obligation (law n° 2006-911 of July 24, 2006) which requires companies to verify the administrative situation of candidates during the hiring procedure. Verifying ID documents is mandatory within the framework of the pre-employment declaration, where these documents are transmitted to the URSSAF. This step, which until recently was done in person by the recruitment departments, can now be done online, remotely.

Instant identity documents expertise

ARIADNEXT’s remote ID verification step embedded in PIXID’s recruitment platform is fully digitized and provides all the guarantees and confidence necessary for hiring, both for companies, temporary work agencies and for candidates.

During the onboarding process, candidates take photos of their identity documents in complete security. Then, the ARIADNEXT solution, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), performs numerous checks and delivers a verdict to the recruiters who, depending on their analysis, continue (or not) the recruitment process. All identity documents (national identity card, passport, resident card, residence card, ADR certificate – driver training, proof of address and bank details) can be checked.

The digital path for the candidate is simple, fluid and secure (data protection / GDPR) and document management time and costs are reduced for companies.

A necessary innovation for better recruitment management

This new collaboration in the “HR Tech” ecosystem demonstrates the sector’s dynamism. More than 150,000 companies, 400 temporary work agencies, will be able to benefit from this new functionality directly via the PIXID platform.

PIXID offers access to the latest market innovations for better HR performance and ARIADNEXT responds to the evolution of new needs in the HR sector. Above all, this collaboration reflects the importance of digital innovation in improving recruitment processes and HR management tools.

Etienne COLELLA, President of PIXID, comments: “Since the creation of PIXID, we have been working hard to develop our platform to answer our clients needs the best way possible. In recent years, we have also brought on board external technologies that we believe are useful to the market. This is why we are very happy to count ARIADNEXT among our partners, thanks to whom we are integrating a cutting-edge service that is essential for recruiting today.”

Guillaume DESPAGNE, President of ARIADNEXT, adds: “Identity-related issues are at the heart of our expertise. Providing solutions to answer PIXID’s challenges for onboarding candidates and improving recruitment management is a perfect fit with our desire to offer our solutions to as many people as possible.”


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